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Block wise Transaction Status of January , 2025 (NFSA) as on 14-01-2025

District : KODERMA
Sl No Block Name HHD Count Beneficiary Count
(PH Card + AAY Card)
Transaction Allocated Distributed Total Allocation Total Distributed Distribution (%)
1 CHANDWARA 59 13141 1667 235,679.50 100,810.50 9744.000 4172.000 336490 13916 4.14
2 DOMCHANCH 112 20821 2452 377,513.50 160,606.50 18866.470 8089.490 538120 26955.96 5.01
3 JAINAGAR 104 18997 1594 355,138.00 151,497.00 9465.470 4057.980 506635 13523.45 2.67
4 KODERMA 76 16888 1324 306,614.00 130,131.00 6157.500 2632.500 436745 8790 2.01
5 MARKACHO 89 14580 2990 259,339.50 110,140.50 28914.530 12392.530 369480 41307.06 11.18
6 SATGAWAN 71 13188 1153 250,103.00 106,122.00 9982.500 4302.490 356225 14284.99 4.01
7 Nagar Panchayat, Kodarma(NA) 20 3327 347 56,959.00 23,526.00 537.490 232.500 80485 769.99 0.96
8 Nagar Parshad, Jhumri Telaiya(MN) 66 10902 3667 189,241.50 80,383.50 45244.308 19390.320 269625 64634.628 23.97
Total 597 111844 15194 2,030,588.00 863,217.00 128912.268 55269.81 2893805 184182.078 6.36