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Block wise Transaction Status of January , 2025 (NFSA) as on 14-01-2025

District : PAKUR
Sl No Block Name HHD Count Beneficiary Count
(PH Card + AAY Card)
Transaction Allocated Distributed Total Allocation Total Distributed Distribution (%)
1 AMRAPARA 35 13112 3207 253,074.50 67,285.50 38160.490 11658.920 320360 49819.41 15.55
2 HIRANPUR 51 16333 4038 290,090.50 112,969.50 40701.300 17446.400 403060 58147.7 14.43
3 LITTIPARA 75 24480 4576 474,442.50 100,867.50 67772.220 17157.150 575310 84929.37 14.76
4 MAHESHPUR 189 46863 21526 745,258.50 293,671.50 224979.830 96399.780 1038930 321379.61 30.93
5 PAKUR 206 52995 12485 949,816.00 397,194.00 154821.510 65885.420 1347010 220706.93 16.38
6 PAKURIA 87 23292 10691 356,408.50 146,746.50 106206.110 45519.930 503155 151726.04 30.15
7 PAKUR (MN) 35 6314 1954 90,345.50 37,564.50 14936.440 6399.990 127910 21336.43 16.68
Total 678 183389 58477 3,159,436.00 1,156,299.00 647577.9 260467.59 4315735 908045.49 21.04