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Block wise Transaction Status of January , 2025 (NFSA) as on 14-01-2025

District : KHUNTI
Sl No Block Name HHD Count Beneficiary Count
(PH Card + AAY Card)
Transaction Allocated Distributed Total Allocation Total Distributed Distribution (%)
1 ARKI 74 17574 10657 313,278.00 133,992.00 158091.510 67455.400 447270 225546.91 50.43
2 KARRA 106 25010 14960 458,629.50 196,555.50 235470.610 100836.810 655185 336307.42 51.33
3 KHUNTI 95 18568 9861 327,596.50 140,398.50 129040.650 55282.320 467995 184322.97 39.39
4 MURHU 78 17173 12396 324,044.00 138,876.00 209333.020 89691.700 462920 299024.72 64.6
5 RANIA 39 8596 4969 168,955.50 72,409.50 87345.210 37346.770 241365 124691.98 51.66
6 TORPA 93 17815 13371 330,470.00 141,630.00 222751.680 95538.750 472100 318290.43 67.42
7 Khunti(NA) 32 4919 2471 79,201.50 33,943.50 29541.110 12684.260 113145 42225.37 37.32
Total 517 109655 68685 2,002,175.00 857,805.00 1071573.79 458836.01 2859980 1530409.8 53.51